Name Change

When I first named this blog I did a search or two and didn't see any results with Grindstone in them. I liked the alliteration with the G and the insinuation of sharpening. When I did another search recently there were tons of results for Grindstone. At least two of which are actually about games: Grindstone Game and Grindstone Games.  It appears they aren't about Table Top RPG but still the naming is too close,  I don't have any games out, and I'm still virtually unknown, so it seems best that I just change my name.

Changing Grindstone in the URL seems overly complicated. If there is an easy way to do it someone please let me know because it looks like I'd have to create a new one and then add a forward and/or upload the old content to the new blog. I might do that over time, we'll see.

Until then I need to figure out a new name. Since a lot of what I do is cleaning up and combining maps really old Public Domain maps, and pulling apart and rewriting existing games and game elements I was thinking Reskinned Games might be nice. Or retread or recycled. The R's go with Ruprecht after all. So my header may be changing a bit and posting might be light as I figure it out. 

SIZE in RuneQuest

Not much of a post, just thinking about the SIZE statistic. I always liked it because it fit with the grittiness of RuneQuest but I don'...