So my characters went to Neverwinter and it got really sandboxy very quickly which I like, which they like, it's all good. The problem is we're playing Roll20 and you really need battlemaps. I found a nice map of Castle Never, and another of the Moonstone Masks location. Other generic maps worked for what I needed. But it made me think, Neverwinter has been around for a few decades now and there isn't a proper product with interior maps of the major buildings (same with Waterdeep). Back in the day they had books of generic battlemaps, why not have a book full of Neverwinter maps? Another book of Waterdeep maps. I don't even care if you include Factions or an adventure, just a book of maps.
Now we are in the world of VTTs I bet they'd sell a lot of that sort of thing. Back during 4E when combat sort of needed a Battlemap I bet they'd sell a lot of that sort of thing. But you can't sell it if you don't make it.