The Crazy Way Wizards chooses Products to make

 So my characters went to Neverwinter and it got really sandboxy very quickly which I like, which they like, it's all good. The problem is we're playing Roll20 and you really need battlemaps. I found a nice map of Castle Never, and another of the Moonstone Masks location. Other generic maps worked for what I needed. But it made me think, Neverwinter has been around for a few decades now and there isn't a proper product with interior maps of the major buildings (same with Waterdeep). Back in the day they had books of generic battlemaps, why not have a book full of Neverwinter maps? Another book of Waterdeep maps. I don't even care if you include Factions or an adventure, just a book of maps. 

Now we are in the world of VTTs I bet they'd sell a lot of that sort of thing. Back during 4E when combat sort of needed a Battlemap I bet they'd sell a lot of that sort of thing. But you can't sell it if you don't make it. 

Legend no longer supported

 In the State of the Mongoose 2024 Matt Sprange admitted they were sunsetting Mongoose Legend. They haven't really done anything in a while but still its odd to see a whole product line just abandoned. I assume the sales were not great, especially compared to their new Traveller stuff.

Sadly I never played Legend, but it seemed the closest to RuneQuest 2 which I loved back in the day. Low amount of crunch, but not too low. Nice sweet spot between Mythras and OpenQuest is now open.

I Mongoose goes for a Creative Commons license because almost anything else will just leave it dead. 

An aside, it would be nice if more companies did a State of posting to tell fans how things went and where they are going. 

The Crazy Way Wizards chooses Products to make

 So my characters went to Neverwinter and it got really sandboxy very quickly which I like, which they like, it's all good. The problem ...