Best of the Web: Meatshields, West Marches, 10 Monsters, Inverted Random Encounters, And Amazing Shifting Sands goes WW1

The has a wonderful generator to create henchmen called Meatshields. Wonderful stuff, especially if the GM rolls a dozen beforehand and makes the players choose which to trust.

Ben Robbins at Ars Ludi has an amazing post about his West Marches campaign. This is the style of campaign I believe Gygax used when he first created the game. The style was never well documented, at least until the West Marches posts, and that seems a real shame as Ben has apparently had great success with this campaign style. Enough so that i'm going to have to add this sort of thing to my own Fantasy Heartbreaker.

3 Toadstools Publishing has a post called 10 Monsters that is about creating a mini-setting using only 10 monster types. I love the idea of mini-settings and really like this idea as the limited number of encounters provide a specific color to that setting. I'd take the idea and leave mundane beasts (lions and tigers and bears) and supernatural (Undead, demons) out of the limitation.

Methods & Madness has developed the idea of the Inverted Random Encounters Table. Instead of rolling each turn to determine yes or no he suggests rolling a die to determine how many turns until an encounter arrives. As long as the GM keeps track of time this idea this idea should work.

In addition if the GM also rolled what was encountered they could add spoor (footprint, sounds, dung) to foreshadow the encounter.

Swords and Stichery has written The Amazing Shifting Sands of The Beginning Of I3-5 Desert of Desolation By Tracy Hickman, Laura Hickman, Philip Meyers, Peter L. Rice Part I which is about adapting the Desert of Desolation series of modules into a WW1 pulp setting. Eric, the blogger that runs the site also has similar posts on Dwellers of the Forbidden City and other classic adventures. The post has my head buzzing with the possibilities. Sort of Brendan Frasers The Mummy game-style.

And a new addition to my blogroll. Seems I've become addicted to Old School RPG Planet which is an agrigator that filters out OSR posts so that i don't have to poke around the web looking for them myself.

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