Blog Policies: A Word From Ronald Reagan

Ronal Reagan had a policy now known as the Eleventh Commandment. Basically the policy is that as a Republican he would not speak ill of other Republicans.

The policy of this blog is similar except replace the term Republican with RPG blogger.

We are all playing Elf games. I do not believe there is any right or wrong way to play Elf games. There might be ways that we find more entertaining than other ways but in all likelihood someone else has the opposite opinion so there is no point arguing about it. Put out your version and hope to win in the arena of ideas, debate fine points, but don't make it personal.

There are toxic folk in the RPG blog world, there is no question of that, but you won't hear me bash them as I'd rather promote role playing than tear down others who also might be promoting role playing, even if they are flawed, nasty, use straw men to win debates or whatever. It's possible such folks might drive new gamers away, but that's not really my decision to make. I'm not the RPG gatekeeper so I'll step aside and let those potential new gamers figure things out on their own.

At least that's the policy, only time will tell if it lasts.

1 comment:

  1. For what its worth this rule doesn't apply to plagiarists, scam artists, and that sort.


SIZE in RuneQuest

Not much of a post, just thinking about the SIZE statistic. I always liked it because it fit with the grittiness of RuneQuest but I don'...