Best of the Web - Interesting Factions, Activity tables, and Generator of Missions

Guyeatsfood at Burn After Running has a post titled Interfering Factions – A Technique to Improve Your One-Shot. The idea is really good for one-shots but I'd like to see something similar for a campaign. I'd like to see Adventures include potential hooks based on class, the assumption being that the local Thieves Guild, Wizard's Chantry, Temple, and whomever hires Fighters provide side missions to our friendly adventurers, many of these side missions might be things they share with the party, or which they try to accomplish on their own for selfish reasons. Not sure if this is a rule-type idea (a few such missions are required prior to leveling-up) or one that would just be ad hoc to make things more interesting.

Long ago I posted some encounters tables from d4 Caltrops. These are amazing, I posted a number of them before but he just kept creating more and more and more and I didn't want my Best of the Web dominated by one guy's work. Well now he has a post bringing together all of his OSE Encounter Activity Tables in one place. 

The always reliable Courtney at Hack & Slash has published a post called On a Generator of Missions which is excellent. He also has an advanced version for Pay What you Want at DrivethruRPG.


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