Best of the Web - Cantrips and Liches

Red Dice Diaries has two posts on Cantrips.

Delta's D&D Hotspot has a short discussion of cantrips and other non-combat spells through the various editions of D&D in his post Spells Through the Ages - Unseen Servant and Cantrips. It's a bit older but I know I'll want to find it again so what can you do.

Remixes and Revelations has a nice OSR: Lich Generator to help create interesting and unique liches.

Planet Algol has a post listing the various monsters restricted by the OGL that have been reproduced by OSR products (at least sort of) in Open Content Analogues.of WOTC Non-OGL Classic D&D Monsters.

Hack & Slash has a nice post On Failing High Level Play that has good design ideas for all levels.

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