Best of the Web - Scrapbook DMG, New Editions to Blogroll, Campaign Calendar

Hunting through the dark reaches of the internet I found a nice compilation post by Ice and Ruin called Scrapbook DMG. It's a bunch of great links that I would like to just copy directly into this post but that seems like more effort than I'd like and seems a bit cheezy.

A decided to add two new additions to my blogroll. The first is Alex Schroeder who's archives I've been digging through lately. His isn't a standard blog but it works out the same anyway. I find his posts entertaining and some of his tools are extremely useful. Since I've had him bookmarked for months I figure I might as well add him to the roll. That and he handles the Old School RPG Planet and RPG Planet which are my number one and two go to RPG sites at the moment.

The second addition to the blogroll is Bearded Devil run by Jonathan Newell. I don't know how or when I stumbled across Bearded Devil but he runs an urban crawl game and posts lots of pictures of his maps and I love his artistic style. Recently he put a product called Genial Jack (Called Gentle Jack at least once inside the book) for sale at DriveThru. The thing is a bit odd if you ask me, but its also amazing. Its one of those products that I would never use as is but which get the creative juices running and which I'll pick apart and use bit by bit.

Evlyn Moreau of le Chaudron Chromatique has a post on Fantasy Calendars that has a beautiful sample of a fantasy calendar. I love the choice of white text on black and the way it balances with her playful art. Her style reminds me a lot of Bearded Devil's style with very tight pen&ink linework. Anyway I posted a comment on the link so I won't repeat here.

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SIZE in RuneQuest

Not much of a post, just thinking about the SIZE statistic. I always liked it because it fit with the grittiness of RuneQuest but I don'...