Best of the Web - OSE Encounters

d4 Caltrops has created a series of OSE Encounters posts providing 1d100 tables for what creatures are doing when encountered. This sort of thing gives encounters life instead of the feeling they are standing there waiting for the PCs to show up before being activated.

First he started out with the PC races, but didn't really finish (at least no Halflings or Half Elves):

Then he moved on to more regular encounters (based on the White Ape it looks like a B/X list but I could be wrong). At this point he's done the following:
The amount of work and creativity is staggering and brilliant and judging by the way he's done it I suspect/hope he'll be selling the finished products some day, at least I hope so as he'll get my cash.


  1. Thanks you for the shoutout! I'm very glad you like them, and am honored to be on your Best of list!

    I'm basing these on the monsters in Old School Essentials, so they're pretty much identical to the ones you would find in the old B/X books. I figured that most of the iconic/most frequently encountered critters would show up here and prove the most useful for all subsequent systems. I am rather surprised about what ends up missing from the list though :).

    I still intend to get around to the Halfling/Gnome entries eventually (and might even re-do Elf and Dwarf to be a little more "generic fantasy" for symmetry), I've just been jumping around the list rather than continuing alphabetically so I can tackle whatever strikes my fancy on a given day :)

  2. No thanks necessary. Quality deserves attention. Also I create these Best of the Web posts for myself, so I can find cool stuff again. I hate finding cool stuff and not being able to find it again later. And your posts have been cool stuff for certain.


SIZE in RuneQuest

Not much of a post, just thinking about the SIZE statistic. I always liked it because it fit with the grittiness of RuneQuest but I don'...