Reskinning Cuska Castle

Cuska Castle and the Chaos Cuts began their life as B2: Keep on the Borderlands. Both can be easily reskinned by a GM who doesn't have enough time. Just use the Cuska map and mark it up with the inhabitants (and maybe even room descriptions) from the Keep on the Borderlands. To give the place even more life you can add in a few of the better T1 and N1 inhabitants as well, it doesn't matter if you throw B1 and N1 inhabitants into the same building, or even a couple of different N1 inhabitants, as most of these buildings are multi-family dwellings. and this helps create a lively and full place to act as a base of operations for missions into the Chaos Cuts which can easily serve as the starting adventure location for the islands, giving the characters something to do while they get the feel of the place.

Also by reskinning and blending in this way the nature of the actual adventures become less obvious to the players.

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