Maritime for sale at DriveThruRPG

 My first product is now for sale. It is called Maritime

Rules and Stats to add Ships to your campaign because there were ships before the age of pirates and you’ll want to know what your ship can do.

Maritime contains rules for ships: sailing speeds, ship combat, and ship stats for the most common ships up to the the early galleons, as well as cargos and profits. Compatible with OSR and 5E games.

Includes stats for ships from the East and West up until very early Galleons. If you want ships decked out with cannon this book isn't for you.

Stats for: Rafts, Bireme & Dromon, Caravel, Carrack & Nau, Cog, Dhow (Large), Dhow (Small), Drakker, & Birlinn, Galleon, Junk (Big), Junk (Cargo), Junk (River), Junk (Treasure), Knarr, Nef, Sampan, Trireme & Venetian Thin Ship, Turtleship, War Galley

My first product on DriveThruRPG so if you say any obvious rookie moves, please let me know.

The cover shows a Carrack (the Santa Maria of Columbus fame was a Carrack) rigged out with square sales, leaving Genoa harbor as painted by Quinto Cenni. The image is care of the NY Public Library's Digital library, it is in the public domain and it's a beauty.

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