More playing with AI

 This time battlemaps. I was surfing around looking at battlemaps and came across TheAIWizard creating a battlemap or two using AI. He uses Stable Diffusion and has a post on how to set it up and I'm not ready for that level of complexity, yet. So I went back to one of the two I used perviously, ImageFX

I typed in "Battlemap, overhead, top-down, dungeon" and stuff like that. The rooms produced by ImageFX are pretty small, most were junk, and it created a bunch of isometric without being asked, but there were a few in there that I rather liked. This might be a way to get assets (firepit, statue, flagstone flooring, exc) instead of actual maps. Who knows. Anyway here are a few samples. It's AI work so I understand its Public Domain so do what you want with them.

I also had it try to make a town and castle. I got pieces of a town and a castle I wasn't happy with. I could probably do more with them, maybe later.

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