Best of the Web - Aggregators & Sorters

Now that Google+ is gone the web is starting to slowly come together. First we have aggregators like RPG Planet and Old School RPG Planet (both by Alex Schroeder one of the indispensable figures in the RPG web) that take the posts from hundreds of gaming sites and list them so you can glance over and click on posts of interest. Finding blogs can be nearly impossible, this makes it super-easy. The only draw-back is the site is like a river and if you ever try to find a link (that you didn't bookmark the other day) it can be impossible to find again. Also it lists everything (as it should) so a lot of stuff you like will be mixed in with stuff you don't care for while someone else will love that stuff you didn't care for.

Then we have sorters. Like these Best of the Web posts a sorter plucks out the best bits the've found. The advantage to this is that it is more selective. If you find a sorter that has similar interests you are gold, it's like a Pandora channel playing the music you like and ignoring that other stuff. It can also be far easier to find an old post because they are posts themselves and thus searchable (the main reason I created my own Best of the Web series, so I can read old stuff).

This week I ran across a few other sorters (Found through Alex Schroeder site). This makes me very happy but also means I'll be reading their back catalogs looking for the gems and nuggets.

  • Seed of Worlds has a weekly collection called Shiny TTRPG links collection
  • Take on Rules by Jeremy Friesen has a new daily post called Amplifying the Blogosphere that has become a must read (and not just because he mentioned Best of the Web recently, thx)
  • has a series of posts called EOW for End of Week (he also mentioned me, thx) that does the same

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