Best of the Web - Judge Dredd Random Crimes

Tony Bro001 at Roleplay-Geek has a fun table for determining random crimes in Judge Dredd including the penalties called Judge Dredd Random Crime Drop Table.  I don't play Judge Dredd but I love this and I'll be making something similar for medieval type crimes for my Thule Marches campaign since the characters will start off working for the March Lord and will have some kind of law enforcement function (if they choose to enforce or not is on them). 

As I said, I love what he's done but what I don't get though is why a drop table? Why not a regular table with higher crimes as higher number results so modifiers can be added to increase the likely hood of serious crimes or not (-3 to roll during day, +3 to roll at night or in alleys for example). I can see the value of a dice drop table when generating a random dungeon or village, you know, to pick out the location of the buildings, but beyond that I've never understood this type of table. If someone has a semi-convincing reason why these type of tables are valuable let me know. 

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