Best of the Web - The Goblin Law of Gaming

Anyone that reads my blog probably already knows about the GLOG but I'm gonna mention it anyway because the GLOGsphere has been consistently some of the most creative content.

I have conflicting feelings about the GLOG (Goblin Law of Gaming) by Arnold K at Goblin Punch.  Conflicted because I love the way the magic works. I love the way multi-classing works. I love the way a lot of it works but the core skill system just didn't sit well with me. But I love DIY games and GLOG is as easy as any other game to swap out components like that.

I'm not alone, for some time the GLOG was one of the most vibrant bits of online RPG activity as people created a metric shit-ton of classes (here and here).  It is a lot like the Black Hack except things are shared for free, which creates more of a sense of community. It's like a big buffet of great ideas that you can pick and choose from and then tweak as needed. 

DIY & Dragons has a post detailing Who is the GLOGosphere? that gives some history on who and what has been writing what.

The whole thing is designed for low levels and to be compatible with most OSR compatible games. Arnold K has even written a scenario Lair of the Lamb: Final specifically for GLOG (which includes some rules) which made Bryce Lynch's Best list at Ten Foot Pole.

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