Some time ago the Wall Street Journal Online came up with a daily post called Best of the Web. They culled interesting stories from everywhere and posted with snarky comments. It grew stale after awhile but I always liked the idea. The concept is similar to blog aggregators but guided in a more useful way. So that's is what this Label will try to be, except weekly or monthly. We'll see.
- Doomslakers! - The Blog of James V West. Art, Adventure, Games, Whimsies Galore. Somewhere along the line I ran across Black Pudding Magazine by James V West and loved it. The magazine was dedicated to D&D but was easily adaptable. The thing was packed with bits & pieces that lit up my creativity. I ended up buying every issue and tracked down his website.
- Dungeon Dozen - The Blog of Jason Sholtis. The author packs more creativity into a 12 item table than most blogs in their entirety. When I first found the blog I spent hours going through the various sections. When I found out the author created an underground environment called Operation Unfathomable I bought a copy and loved every word of it. Sad he hasn't posted since September, hopefully that means another product is in the works.
- Tony Dowler - He's mostly on Google Plus (which is dying) and Pintrest (which I have no Interest). I absolutely love the way he draws his microdungeons (but the normal link is 404). Still his Salamander Mines and his How to Host a Dungeon are both brilliant.
Dungeon Dozen was a good concept, but it went way WAAAAYYYYY overboard.