A Replacement for HP

Grognardia has been talking about Ability scores recently which got me thinking of the way I handled such in one of my Fantasy Heartbreakers. Anyway I thought I'd write it up here as the old Fantasy Heartbreaker is long gone. 

Damage types are already built into 5E more or less. Whatever damage the weapon does, roll and apply the damage to the corresponding Attribute.

‣ STR - Anyone reduced to 0 STR falls prone and is unable to move at all. 

‣ DEX - Anyone reduced to 0 DEX or less falls prone and is unable to move at all. 

‣ CON - Anyone reduced to 0 CON or less is Dead.

‣ INT - Anyone reduced to 0 INT or less is unconscious and will take 1 CON point a round until healed back to 1 INT. 

‣ WIS - Insanity. Anyone reduced to 0 WIS or less is catatonic. 

‣ CHA - Burn/Electrical Wound. Anyone reduced to 0 CHA or less is Dead.

All damage heals at 1 point per week.

This mechanic was created when I was in love with the Black Hack which used Ability Scores for every attribute test so dropping one caused an instant game effect. It should apply to 5e easily enough even if it works on modifiers and not upon the Ability Scores directly  (bludgeoning = blunt, Slashing = Edge, Piercing = point). I gave up the idea in the name of simplicity and compatibility but I still like the system in theory and might use it someday.


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