Initial post on the new blog

I had a blog called Grindstonë Games in which I mostly cleaned up and posted stuff that had been sitting in an RPG folder on my laptop for some time. Stuff that was on my old Macintosh Classic and copied over again and again. Some of it was good, some was terrible, the blog helped me organize my thoughts on different RPG matters but it was nothing serious. 

When I created it I didn't see any other Grindstone's out there, then two years later I found a bunch of them. I don't know if my first search was badly executed or if they all sprung up in the mean time but the fact was they were out there and I didn't like sharing the name because that could mean potential confusion, which sucks so I went with Ruprecht's RPG Blog. Searching for Ruprecht mostly comes up with that weird Krampus or Knecht Ruprecht which is far enough removed I don't see a problem.

Since Blogger allows you to change the name of your Header but not the URL I felt the best course was to junk the old blog and start a new one and transfer the content. I'll clean up some of the stuff and repost it as pdfs, and delete some of the stuff, but basically its the same guy doing the same thing as before, except a little differently. 

Back on that other blog I tried to post something every weekday. I don't think I'll even try to do that. I had posts ready to go weeks ahead to time at some point but trying to keep up with deadlines creates stress, even on an amateur RPG blog, so I won't even set that goal.

I'm a big fan of Sergio Aragonés artwork and especially Groo the Wanderer. I've used Groo as my avatar for years when I post online and now I've put him on the masthead. I make no claims to the art and will replace it once I've gotten to drawing my own stuff. Photoshop has managed to really cripple my drawing skills over the years but I think it can all be reclaimed if I put the effort out. I'll post art here if I finish any.

So that's the story of the new blog. Stick around, I hope you like it.

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