Best of the Web - Dungeon Drawing Tutorial, Landmarks

  • Niklas Wistedt has a nice tutorial called Tutorial: How to draw a basic dungeon map. I found the article while looking for drawings of dungeon dressing and was really captivated by the simple style and readability of his maps. I'm not sure if I like it better than Tony Dowler's maps but it's a close run thing.
  • Niklas Wistedt has a nice tutorial called Tutorial: How to draw a fantasy village map. Found it exploring his other tutorials and liked what I saw. Think I might have to buy some of his listed equipment soon.
  • Lungfungus at Melancholies and Mirth has a post called 4d10 + 2d8 Natural Landmarks for Each Terrain Type / 56 Cosmetic Hex Fillings which has some nice bits to help with making a hex less boring. Oh yeah, I'll be borrowing some of this. It's an older post, but it checks out. 
  • Melancholies and Mirth also has a similar post called 36 Hidden Hex Landmarks that has more unique landmarks to drop in your game. These are a bit wilder than the natural landmarks as one would expect.

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