Bestiary - Thoughts on Constructs Part 1

Constructs are the perfect monster as they can sit around waiting patiently for the characters to arrive yet I rarely use them in my campaigns because they are so bland. So I decided to work up how things work and go over the constructs in Pathfinder only to find nearly half were repetitions of other constructs, overly specific, or just terrible. I trimmed and trimmed and organized primarily by the material of the construct.

My idea is constructs are animated by placing/trapping a portion of spirit into an object and as such they are effected by a Cleric's Banish ability. Also this gives the thing personality. if the thing being animated has anything even remotely resembling a mouth or eyes the process of animating it will also give it site, hearing, and speech. Constructs should be more like the teapot and plates in Beauty and the Beast then some mindless automatons. The intelligence of the construct depends upon the spirit and the mobility and attack depend upon the item used to create the construct.

The idea of constructs is to create truly magical areas in tombs and Wizarding schools with mundane items that are never caught sleeping, live virtually forever, and which can move, converse, or attack. Also constructs might make a nice place to store the spirit of a dead character until their body can be brought back, giving a player or two a very unique change of pace after a defeat.

I'll figure out the details on creating Constructs later.

Animated Objects

Animated object are any object that a wizard has trapped a spirit within. If there is anything remotely resembling eyes or a mouth they will take on that function. Because of this animated objects are often used as spies or to pass along messages. The ability to attack is also highly dependent upon the object that has been animated.
  • Abandoned Armory - Not just one item but a pile of armor and weapons animated as a single construct. The abandoned armory moves and attacks in a wave, like water, battering targets in a wave of weapons and mail. Typically an Abandoned Armory is found on a battlefield.
  • Amalgamation - Similar to an Abandoned Armory except the pile is chairs or tools or clothes and other mundane item animated into a single construct.
  • Animated Object, Colossal - An object the size of a ship.
  • Animated Object, Gargantuan - An object the size of a catapult.
  • Animated Object, Huge - An object the size of a wagon or rowboat.
  • Animated Object, Large - An object the size of a large table.
  • Animated Object, Medium - An object the size of a barrel.
  • Animated Object, Small - An object the size of a chair.
  • Animated Object, Tiny - An object the size of a plate, book, coin, or silverware.
  • Guardian Doll - A doll turned into a Construct, generally for use as a spy.
  • Tattoo Guardian - Animated tattoo, not sure what to do with this but I like the idea of moving tattoo.

Earth Constructs

Earth constructs can be sculpted by or founded by the wizard and as such come in a near infinite variety of forms. What marks them is they disintegrate when they take damage.
  • Golem, Clay - Large or medium sized clay construct. It could be humanoid or beast in shape, doesn't matter as the damage will be the same bashing blows of clay. Clay absorbs most damage particularly well as piercing and slicing weapons cut it but don't really damage it unless they slice a chunk off or something. A clay golem can become 100% invisible if it lies down in a bed of clay or river bottom.
  • Golem, Sand - Large or medium sized sand construct. It could be humanoid or beast in shape, doesn't matter as the damage will be the same bashing blows of sand. Cutting and stabbing weapons slice through the sand without causing damage while crushing weapons send the sand flying, reducing the golem in the process. A sand golem can become 100% invisible if it lies down in normal sand.
  • Homunculus - Tiny humanoid figure created from ash and blood and then animated to serve the creator. Usually the spirit of a dead minion is used to ensure loyalty.
  • Terra-cotta Warrior - Statues made of dried clay. The Warrior may be armed with normal weapons. Such golems are easily broken and shattered and are primarily used as skirmishers, to keep watch, or for cermonial reasons.
  • Terra-cotta Animal - An animal statue that is otherwise the same as a terra-cotta warrior. 

Flesh Constructs

Flesh constructs are too similar to undead and will be categorized along with them.

Holy Constructs

The other constructs are divided by their material, Holy Constructs can be made of different materials but are given their own heading because of their nature. Holy Constructs use volunteer spirits to fight on behalf of Law they cannot be Banished.
  • Angelic Guardian - A bronze, animated statue of an angel. The wings aren't enough to lift the heavy body but they are sharp and can serve as weapons.
  • Argent Warden - Animated armor and weapon covered in Holy Writings and animated.
  • Charnel God - A statue to a powerful servant of a Deity that has been possessed by that servant after death. Such statues often sit in temples for centuries with no sign of their status.
  • Cryptguard - A statue with a particularly anti-undead bent often placed in crypts to keep the dead down and living out.

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