Best of the Web - Boss Fights

Goblin Punch has a post on Bosses and another on Boss Mechanics from World of Warcraft that are both worth reading. Boss fights are a staple from the days before Computer games burned them into everyones brains, and they have a place in the end of many adventures. But the posts made me think about bosses in the other way. in the movie the Warriors the boss of the Rogues, you know the 'come on out and play-yay' guy was a weasel. His threat was not his own power but that he led a gang. He was a faction leader. And factions and faction leaders don't get enough attention.

Everyone knows its a blast to have factions the players can get involved with, but giving the different leaders personalities, and giving large factions sub-factions that can be exploited can really pay off.  Some thoughts.

  • The big tough guy faction leader might lead a weak faction because he kills those that are a threat to him, but if players take the leader down they might find they've gained lots of allies, or even upset a delicate balance and thus earned enemies.
  • A smart but weak faction leader might be leading the orc version of Tucker's Kobolds.
  • One leader might have a drinking problem and a keg of ale would guarantee safe passage.
  • Another might never takes prisoners. 
  • One faction might create a highway of sorts to allow travelers to pass through their territory quickly while others would put up tolls or other defenses to keep anyone from passing without paying their respects.
  • Factions near to entrances/exits are likely on guard more than those in the interior.

This should work especially well in a mega-dungeon where the players are likely to stomp through the same territory again and again.

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