Thule Island - People of The March (Part 1)

Back to my Thule Island Sandbox for a bit. I'm a bit burned on converting my notes to Blogger but I think I can manage a couple more.

March Lord of Thule and his Leadership Team

The March Lord is a relaxed fellow and hardly the authoritarian his detractors claim. Unfortunately he's so lax that many of his underlings and the Templars of Lough get away with brutalities the March Lord would certainly not condone. The March Lord is bald but wears a fairly nice wig, the wig tends to slide back on his head at times exposing a large expanse of forehead but most courtiers are kind enough not to mention it.

    Cult of Lough Leadership on Thule

    The Cult of Lough, pronounced "Law" is a monotheistic religion akin to the worst of the Catholic Church during the Inquisition. They justify their harsh attitude with sermons about the dangers of Chaos and the use of Magic opening up rifts and destroying worlds. They 100% believe this threat is real.

    Old Faith Leadership on Thule

    The Old Faith leadership can also be found in any settlement on the island. The Old Faith is a polytheistic religion. The major deities have their own priesthoods that all report up to High Priestess Gwenda.

      Rebel Leaders on Thule

      The Rebel leaders can be found in any settlement on the island. They are more involved in criminal enterprises and money-making than actual rebellion. Primarily this is because the Templar and March Lord's men could swiftly wipe them out if they put their minds to it. The people of Thule love the rebels and have an overly romanticized view of them.

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