Found in a Box in Storage: Part 4 - Gnoll

I used to draw a lot, then I found photoshop and my skills decayed. I hope to rebuild them again but photoshop is so much easier. Anyway finding some of my old drawings is helping motivate my re-learning plans.


  1. I like your gnoll a lot. I don't know why the gnoll is my favorite monster humanoid from D&D. Probably because it's just not an orc or a goblin, creatures ruined for me by overuse by others.

    I'm with you in going through old stuff in boxes and finding some real trips down memory lane!

  2. Thanks. I like my Gnolls a little less Hyena-like. I also have them related to Bugbears as Bugbears being hairy just seem to have more akin to Gnolls than they do to the other Goblinoids. Of course all of this probably comes out of years of playing on the Isle of Harn which had hairy Orcs.

    Regarding going through the boxes, the sad thing is I did so much in pencil and it just faded too much over the years. If I was able to hot-tub time machine back to the 80s I'd put everything in pen and save it. It's fascinating to dig through and brings back a lot of memories.


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