Best of the Web - Mid to High Level Spending

After the last series of Encounters post I dug deep in d4 Caltrops site and found another series of thought provoking posts. Another one he seems to have abandoned too soon. In this one it was about mid-level play and spending. Specifically Clerics purchasing Shrines.
To me a good post is one that gets my creativity flowing and this serious really did that. I may end up taking up the challenge and writing up something similar. We know a bit about Fighters being able to set up strongholds at certain levels, Wizards can set up towers, etc, but the details. 

First I'm not a big believer in the level limits for this sort of thing. A proper game a Thief with a ton of money should find little encouragements to building a Thieves Guild, or a Cleric to building shrines. Some in game benefits maybe (imagine a Cleric needs to return to the big city to get 3rd or higher level spells filled, but if they build a shrine near the borderlands they only need to return to that Shrine) or a Wizard who builds a Wizarding tower might get some free spells from the Wizards he allows to stay in that tower researching on their own projects, a sort of paying the rent with low level spells sort of thing). 

But beyond that the nitty gritty of setting up these things could be adventures. A thieves guild would require buying property for the headquarters, some safe houses, establishing and securing territory (which would probably be an ongoing project) dealing with the government with bribes and such. In exchange the Thief can get a monthly profit and perhaps a low level magic item that was too hot and sold to one of their fences. An adventuring group might purchase a ship to get from place to place without hiking or riding everywhere with sacks of gold on their backs. Such a ship might be a money-pit but grand adventure.

All of this could be an incredible amount of fun and as far as I know nobody has really gotten into detailing much of it yet.


  1. I need to get back to this series eventually :).

    I had some ideas for some of the other traditional classes as well (my Wilderness Tier Thief stuff dovetailed a bit with what you're mentioning here...scouting hideouts, establishing clandestine contact networks, banditry/highwaymen etc.and Magic-Users had a thing where they were scoping out the hex map for places of Power that would make for suitable sites to construct their tower, as well as finding reagents/ingredients for Spell Research/Alchemy/Scroll Inscription).

    I'm glad you liked the Shrines though! They have been a fun way of getting players engaged with exploring the world at an earlier stage and putting down "roots" in addition to just siphoning off the gold pieces :).

  2. More classed would be welcome. This is the mid-game that has been missing in my opinion.

  3. More classes... Can't believe Blogger won't let me edit my own comment.


SIZE in RuneQuest

Not much of a post, just thinking about the SIZE statistic. I always liked it because it fit with the grittiness of RuneQuest but I don'...