Feats & Blessed Items

I have a love hate relationship with Feats. On one hand they are kind of fun little skills for characters to have. Something that makes them special. On the other hand their mere existence creates a mini-power game of picking the right ones and planning out a characters entire future that I don't like. Also they are sort of magical super-powers which bugs me as I like characters to be more human and less super-heroes.

My solution for my own Fantasy Heartbreaker is to use Feats to create somewhat colorful low-level magical items. So Feats can be gained if can acquire them, which allows the GM to control the Feats, to give them out temporarily for an adventure if necessary, or to even have them taken away or limited in number of something.

I've taken the list of Feats and updated the more interesting ones for Black Hack, but they should work just as well for most OSR games that don't use Feats.

I call them Blessed Items because I see them as religious in nature and 'artifacts' should be more powerful.  I restrict them to Law Aligned folks, at least for now. A number of the items are named after Gods, Prophets, Martyr's or Saints which I feel is a nice way to provide details to a religions mythology. These names can/should be updated for the local campaign of course. For the curious Daend is pronounced D-on-D.

The first are the Blessed Stones. The blessed stones are simple smooth stones the size of a thumb or palm with a  blessing carved on one face. Typically such stones are kept in a small sack hung around the neck. Blessed Stones are generally found at Temples of Law. It is considered ill luck to keep a stone for over a month.

Blessed Stone
The Agility Stone - Possessor gains a +2 bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks and Reflex saves.
The Animal Affinity Stone - The possessor gains +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and Ride checks.
The Investigator Stone - Possessor gains a +2 bonus on all Gather Information checks and Search checks.
The Iron Will Stone  - Possessor gains a +2 bonus on all WIS saving throws.
The Linguist Stone - Possessor can communicate in any language fluently. Does not enable reading in other languages.
The Negotiator Stone - Possessor gains +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks or Intimidate checks.
The Nimble Fingers Stone - Possessor gains a +2 bonus on all Disable Device checks and Open Lock checks.
The Self-Sufficient Stone - Possessor gains a +2 bonus on all Heal checks and Survival checks.
The Stealthy Stone - Possessor gains a +2 bonus on all Hide checks and Move Silently checks.
The Tough Stone - Possessor gain +3 hit points.

And next a series of Weapons, because that's what people want. 

Blessed Weapons
Arrows of Daend - 6 black arrows that never break or get lost. The arrows are very precise and can  be used to attack a target in melee combat with no additional penalty.
Axe of Cleaving - If the wielder deals enough damage to drop a target they get an extra melee attack another target within range immediately. The extra attack is at the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature.
Blade of Daend - A longsword with runes along the fuller. The sword allows the wielder to go into a battle fury for a number of rounds equal to the wielders CON. While in the battle fury, the following effects take place:
  • STR is considered to be 5 points higher for the purposes of Damage Modifier.
  • Melee attacks are at Advantage.
Bow of St Kaye the Martyr - A bow made of living wood (with leaves on one end). Using this bow has the following effects:
  • Missile weapon attacks are Advantaged
  • Range increased by 50%.
  • Damage increased by +2
Bow of Saint Troy - A short bow that can fire very rapidly.  Archer gets one extra attack per round but that attack is at a –2 penalty. 
Crossbow of Reloading - A heavy crossbow that can be reloaded in a single round.
Dagger of Saint Douglas - Quickdraw dagger. The dagger is very plane in appearance. It can be drawn and thrown in the same action. Additionally if used asa melee weapon the wieider can take a number of additional attacks equal to their DEX modifier.
Falchion of Decapitation - A black bladed Falchion. When the wielder declares a Decapitating Swing, A critical hit results in the targets decapitation. The target must be humanoid in size.
Glaive of St Erik - Aka the Glaive of Blind Fighting. When attacking a concealed or invisible opponent the wielder takes normal penalties but also attacks with Advantage.
Sword of Defense - Wielder can take a penalty of as much as –5 on their attack roll and add that same amount to their Armor Class. The changes to attack rolls and Armor Class last the entire round.
And the last group are interesting items that have been blessed.

Blessed Items
Boots of Lexor the Trixster -  Wearer can move four times their normal speed. If they make a running jump they gain a +4 bonus on the Jump test.
Boots of Nimbleness - Leather hobnail boots that provide an extra +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class. Any condition that makes one lose DEX bonus to AC also makes them lose the dodge bonus.
Clogs of the spider - Shoes carved out of wood. They are more comfortable than they sound. The clogs allow the wearer to move along a vertical surface as long as they return to the ground at the end of the round.
Dagger of St Eric - All allies within the bearers CHA in yards gain the bearers CHA bonus as a bonus to any Saves. Also any allied NPCs need not make moral rolls while in your presence.
Gloves of Daenda - The wearer may transfer a companions injuries to themself. Empathic Wound is incapable of re-growing or re-attaching severed limbs or resurrecting the dead.
Horn of St Eric - A drinking horn the provides immunity to all natural poisons and all saves versus magical poisons are rolled as Advantaged. If a poisoned drink is placed within it is converted into a very nice and recognizable ale
Saddle of Ton Reming - The saddle creates the following effects:

  • Ride skill tests are Advantaged
  • Rider may use 2H Weapon while mounted
  • All animals that wear the saddle can be considered to be trained for combat
Scarf of Daenda - Provides immunity to all natural diseases and all saves versus magical diseases are rolled as Advantaged.
Skin of the Blessed Bear - A cloak made of bear skin that provides +1 AC. This stacks with equipped armour.
Silver Holy Symbol - Anyone possessing this Holy Symbol can turn the dead as if they were a Cleric.

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