Six-Pack - Goblins

Bagdo Chewshield - Not a berserker (obviously) but he very badly wants to be. He chews his shield rim prior to battle trying to work himself into a battle frenzy but usually ends up with splinters in his lips.   
Cab The Younger - Younger brother of Chewshield. X has yet to earn a nickname. 
Jichik Cowhead - Saved a band member by wrestling a bull to the ground. Was thanked by the gift of a helmet with the bulls horns attached. Most of the crew think the helmet looks silly but the Goblin wrestled an angry bull to the ground so nobody is going to say anything. 
Murkknuckle the Reader  His father taught him to read and write in three languages and now he is forced to translate everything and deal with the playful taunting each time from the mostly illiterate Horde. 
Peon Hollowleg - Famous for consuming massive amounts of ale. Drinking champion of the band winning head-to-head challenges three times in a row.
Piggab the Kettlepot - Cook who can turn anything into a stew.  

Names generated using the fantasy name generators.

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