Six-Pack - More Goblins

More Goblins
Beardung Halfman -  Female Goblin who dresses and acts like a man. Looks a lot like one as well, but then thats her goal. Taunted by crew occasionally. 
Beetle Goatsnore - Very popular but nobody wants to sleep near her. 
Bon Dragonbreath - Infamous for her bad breath and body odor.  
Burti Woadface  Applies captured woad as war paint prior to battle. The woad is not-magical but she's been convinced it is.
Gun the Scrounger - Able to procure just about anything, anywhere, either through theft or barter.  
Louse Rockswimmer - Because of a curse she sinks like a stone in water, even without armor. Naturally she never goes in deep.  

Names generated using the fantasy name generators.

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