Six-Pack - Orcs

Sometimes you need some personality, or a name for an encounter.

Darfu - Darfu is a good leader, a decent fighter, and a loyal friend. He also holds a grudge like there is no tomorrow.
Gnadug - Gnadug is one hell of a fighter but he has some serious flatulence issues.
Jughog - Still hasn't proved his metal as he gets wounded early and often before combat really gets underway. Nobody questions his bravery, just his luck. 
Kagan the Bowlegged Not actually bowlegged, at  least no more than  normal orc. The name is a crude joke of Kagan having been abused by his previous warboss. Only close friends dare call him that or inquire further.   
Ougha the Goat - Known for eating anything. 
Urag the Silent  -  A psychotic who often chuckles to his own private jokes. Generally left alone to sharpen his weapons and most hope that if they must lose someone in battle that the Silent will be the one. 

Names generated using the fantasy name generators.

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