Six-Pack - A Third Helping of Orcs

Even More Orcs
Bretravik Godsmacked  Ever since he took a blow to the head he's not been right in the head. He stares into the distance a lot and is unable to concentrate at times. Of course he still knows his friends and enjoys a good fight so he gets along well. 
Doktaarg the Fists - The band's brawler, he is a scrawny little Orc who is often goaded into brawls by the rest of the band and beaten when he loses. It has gotten so that he rarely loses now. 
Gnovirill Off-time - For some reason he simply can't keep proper rhythm on a march when the band is singing or banging a drum to keep time. It's gotten so bad that is often given the position of whipmaster, a position he's very happy to have. 
Gobull Goldenlips  Worst singer ever but when drunk he feels compelled to sing. Has led to being beaten at times. 
Krakunva Sheepfriend - The lady's man of the band. Handsome and strong he has little trouble attracting the Orc ladies. The nickname was a crude attempt to change that but it hasn't hurt his romantic life at all.  
Zenveg the Shallow -  The shallow refers to his refusal to enter water more than waist deep. He doesn't even bathe even though he reeks something terrible.

Names generated using the fantasy name generators.

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