
I stumbled across the blog Cyborgs and Sorcerers and started poking around and found an interesting post. It was one of those, why don't we talk about that more? The post talked about Visibility in different conditions. It was called You're Doing Vision All Wrong and included a table from the 2E Players Handbook showing vision at different ranges. The table is sloppy. It didn't include alternate visions (Infravision, Ultravision at that time, or Torches burned into the table or something else useful) but had the seed of a really good idea, a seed that grew in my brain until I had to vomit something out.

First I felt Captain Caveman's advice about re-arranging the table by distances and dumping the Fog and mist rows was good. Second I wanted to reduce the number of columns so Spotted was out, and so was detail as that seemed irrelevant and something easily winged by the DM.

3E they had Darkvision for baddies and Dwarves and Low Light Vision for Elves. In 5E everyone got Darkvision. I wanted a compromise so I kept Low Light Vision and gave it to Elves and Dwarves. I also wanted Darkvision to work backwards so I had the ranges decrease the better the light.

Anyway it needs work, how does stealth work into this for example, but it's something.

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