Six-Pack - More Orcs

Now some female orcs.

More Orcs
Agrob Dungmouth  Known for stretching the truth, all the time, even when she doesn't have to, even in front of witnesses who know the truth. When called on her crap she generally smiles rather than arguing. 
Atub the Stitch - A headbutt split open her forehead, now she has a large scar that she wears with pride. 
Bula Beavertooth - Large buck tooth (one fell out) and an aw-shucks grin that shows them off far to often. She is goofy looking but a stalwart fighter in battle.  
Dulug the Flamehair During one raid the fur fringe one her leather helmet caught on fire and a nickname was born. Considering her ears and neck were hideously burned she's not thrilled the nickname reminders her. She generally wears hats and covers her ears and neck. 
Grazob Fireskin - Fair skinned Orc who sunburns ridiculously easy and religiously avoids going out in the sun, even more so than normal Orcs.
Urog the Mariner - The nickname is a mocking tribute to the fact that she gets seasick taking a bath. Beyond that she's a solid member of any band. 

Names generated using the fantasy name generators.

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